Well, I didn't plan on writing this post (in fact I have another post that is nearly finished, waiting to be published) but I've been thinking about modesty lately, and with the
controversial blog post making it's way around the social media, I figured now is a good time to share what's on my mind about the topic.
If you're part of the Y (or before) generation like me, chances are that you grew up hearing what has been the basic reason behind the need for women to be modest for a long time - to protect the hearts of men. For a long time I followed the guidelines of dressing modestly as if it were a reward-punishment system, because if I took the time and effort to dress appropriately, I was keeping my brothers in Christ from stumbling, and if I didn't, well, the punishment in my mind was quite scary. As a young teenager I was particularly haunted by Matthew 5:28 "But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart." Gross! I wanted no part of that!
Dressing to meet the 'modest code' has never been a huge issue for me (though I do get very exasperated when going shopping as clothes that are short, see-through and an assortment of other descriptions become more and more abundant), however I have constantly struggled with the issue of modesty. I had no desire to dress like my peers, so why was I having so much trouble? After a long time of sorting through this confusing problem of mine, I discovered that I needed to redefine my definition of modesty.
Believing that modesty is dressing in a way that honors the struggles of men is wrong.
It gives the girl too much power. A young girl is taught to see her body as a power tool she can hold over or hide from the males she encounters. This reasoning turns her body, a beautiful gift from God, into an object that has the potential to be used to fulfill human desires - being used in both directions.
Young men are being taught that women are not objects, girls need to be told this too.
I believe that the reasoning that is now being taught - dressing modestly to respect your own body- is also incorrect, because it is the exact opposite of what being modest is.
If modesty is the state of being modest, then what is the definition of modest? I
pulled my dictionary off the shelve to answer this question and found that modest is being "unassuming
or moderate in estimation of one's abilities or achievements". The new
movement of 'modest is hottest' or telling a girl to dress and behave modestly simply because she amazing is a huge contradiction to what it is to actually be modest, because to be modest is to behave in such a way that does not point to yourself and just how awesome you are. This was the root of my own personal struggle with modesty. My belief of modesty took away from my ability to worship God as I was constantly looking downward and inward, instead of upward.
have all heard how girls can distract and/or help guys, but through all
of my research on the subject, not much has been taught on how guys
redirect the attention of young ladies. Word of advice guys, women
struggle with modesty too. Yes, sometimes ladies struggle with the
physical presentation of males, but it goes deeper than that. On some
days it is a battle to look past the very tips of our noses as our
brains are full of bright neon signs screaming at us, calling our
attention to what we have fallen short of and have failed to achieve on
our own. On top these internal signals, crying for us to devote our
focus on ourselves, we must fight the messages that the world shouts at
us telling us what an awesome
individual we are or could be. This
is where I struggle the most, because every time a guy looks me over or
is too blunt in his attraction for me, my focus quickly turns inward and
away from my Creator.
So what is my new definition of modesty?
Modesty is behaving in a way that does not draw any attention to yourself, and points all attention to God.
This includes not only the attention of those around us, but also our own attention, our mind and heart. No distractions, just us praising our wonderful Savior.
There are no rewards in being modest, no mini self-esteem boost, no protection for just how awesome you are; it is simply a way to worship God.