Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Prehistoric Weeds

Summer in the Midwest means that the weeds shoot up like, well, weeds. I don't hate weeding, but weeding is definitely not my favorite thing to do and the weeds on my front walkway are a little out of control (apparently weeds aren't very understanding and don't stop growing when the workers are in summer school). I know that I can praise and glorify the Lord doing any job I'm given, but it's really hard not to complain about weeding; it's a hot and tedious task and then there are the bugs - I keep uncovering bigger and bigger bugs, and I really don't like bugs. Major Ugh.

Lately I've been thinking about how the weeds were like in the Garden of Eden. When God kicked Adam and Eve out of the Garden, He told them that the ground was now cursed and it would take a lot of work to get the right things to grow and to clear away the thorns and thistles (Genesis 3:17 & 18); so how did the weeds behave before that? Did they have a unique purpose? Did they grow in neat lines and patterns? Or were they nonexistent? In any case, in the Garden of Eden, the weeds did not serve as a distraction from worshiping God as they do (at least for me) on the earth now.

While I cannot get into the Garden of Eden, I can look forward to heaven. I'm so excited for when I am worshiping with the weeds, and not when I'm weeding. And it's not just the weeds that will change; we will be getting a whole new body! I know that my body can majorly distract me from worshiping God. I get tiered, hungry, grumpy, sick, upset and more, all of which sadly divert me from glorifying God with my heart and actions. I won't have to deal with that in my new body and will get to be 100% focused on worshiping God. Heaven is going to be awesome!

But for now, I'll keep pulling up those unruly weeds, doing my best to praise God for His creation; even for the ugly, annoying plants that keep growing and spreading across the front yard.

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