Friday, February 28, 2014

Blind Love

I'm sad to report that I missed the after Valentines Day chocolate sale. Darn! I did enjoy spending a good amount of time in the card aisle of stores reading through many creative ways of expressing love and appreciation. Did you know that there are now cards with neon lights in them? I remember being in awe of the musical celebration cards and now they've added flashing lights; it's like getting a mini party! As fun as these high fandangled cards are, I noticed a trend throughout all of the cards that perturbed me a little. Every single card that I read (and I unashamedly admit that I read a lot of them) presented some kind of praise for the receiver of the card, a list of reasons why they are loved.

I won't deny that I enjoy getting cards that praise the character and talents that I've worked hard to develop, but it there are times it can be real disheartening to get a message of love based on a standard I feel I have to pursue. That aisle of red and and pink sparkles, golden swirls and fancy words was pack full of pressure of needing to preform to be accepted and patches that cover mistakes instead of healing them (hint, hint card market, something has to change).  I often worry that if those outside of my family saw me when I am upset, stressed or angry that they would reject me, as if they see me through rosed colored glasses and their opinion of me is blinded. The second those glasses come off and they realize that I over react to little things can be highly critical and my singing makes dogs howl, will they hate me? If I'm not the graceful words on a valentines card, will I be left alone?

The most beautiful love letter I have ever read is in Isaiah 40-45. Here God reminds Israel of their sin and broken, unrepentant hearts, goes on to describes His power and awesomeness, and says that He longs to be with His beloved, that He claims them as His and will cleanse them. My favorite part of this love letter is in chapter 41, verse 14:

"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,
little Israel, do not fear,
for I myself will help you,"
declares the LORD your Redeemer
the Holy One of Israel.

Oh to be called a worm by God! To know that He understands that the world may put very little value on you and yet He claims you as His most precious, most loved creation! Not only is God's love for us not blinded to our imperfections, He promises to make us better. I recently read a very good article about the way love needs to push for a person to become better, not set standards of what is the best and seek to find it, unwilling to help in the work of developing that perfect love. I completely agree that perfect love is working for better and not measuring what is best.

You can call me crazy, but I much rather be told I'm a treasured worm then praised to be a perfect beauty on Valentines day. (Though I still love to get the chocolates!)